Monday, February 24, 2014

"If what we call love doesn't take us beyond ourselves, it is not really love." Oswald Chambers
     Last week, in the Ukraine, a deal was reached that is pushing to end a protest that has lasted a month with which has been a demonstration of democracy in the world. Currently in Venezuela there is a student led, nationwide, protest of the government, protesting the Government and it's treatment of violence in the Country. These are just two of the most recent examples of a Government and it's people. We have established governments in order to organize, protect and provide for their people groups.

     But how why do a lot of these governments continue to fall short of their intended purpose? Revolution after revolution have been intended to rebel against a government that can't properly represent all or some of it's people groups. I recently watched a Video where Venezuelan youth are praying for their country and for their leaders. Praying for peace and goodness. This isn't an anti-government post. It's a post about the very thing that makes us Human and not God. Our brokenness.

     When you build a car with broken parts, you end up with a broken car. It's inevitable, when you form a Government run by people, with all their greed, insecurity, hate, malice, selfishness etc... that Government will inherit those traits.

     I don't believe that we are perfect, and I don't believe that I need to present evidence in order to back up that statement. The Word states that all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. In order to attain an eternal life with God, we must adhere to the Creator's standards. What role does or should the Church play in these revolutions and protests against government?

     Our God calls us to pray for our leaders (1 Thessalonians 2:1-3) it's a good thing to do that, even if we don't like them or their practices. There are leaders in Government who's hearts are in the right place and are choosing to chase after the betterment of their constituency every day; however, as is oft the case, the demons will continue to shout down the better angels in government.

     When Jesus comes back, His government will be established, the odd thing is that I don't see government as a positive term, it carries a negative connotation. The problem is that I don't have any experience with a government that is of pure heart, pure execution of it's morals and it's mission.

     I invite you to pray with me, for the coming of Jesus and establishment his government on earth. To bring comfort and healing, to bring an end to the conflicts between brothers in this world. To pray for the governments in place in the world, for wise decisions,  I don't believe this is as much of a political issue as it is a spiritual issue. This isn't a belittling of the actions of brave young people who are taking a part in their government and enforcing the rights given to them by their constitutions. Those are brave people who are willing to stand up, declare injustice, then DO SOMETHING about it. I just wish the Church had the same philosophy sometimes when it comes to the issue of Sin in the world. That we as a church would stand, declare something injustice, then LIVE OUT our lives the way Jesus calls us to.

"Acquire a peaceful spirit, and around you thousands will be saved." St. Seraphim of Sarov

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I will choose to let my First Love influence my Marriage.

So I'm roughly 30 days out of getting married to my best friend. Food for thought:

Does my families marital history have to be reproduced in my marriage?

I don't think I could conduct my marriage to the principles of American or World Societal standards. I pledge to love my wife with the most fervor I can muster. To love and lead her as close to Christ as I am able. My love for my wife will not be conditional. It will not depend on her win-loss record. Such is the love of Christ; unconditional, all encompassing, unsurpassed, unequal to any love that could be displayed. I will love my wife, deeper and better than anything else. 

Marriage is a unique institution where we as individuals give up what makes us unique and live as a group for the rest of our lives. it's holy, it's sacred, it's strong. Just because I have a family past with divorce does not mean that they are my standard. I have been pursued, I have been redeemed and freed. All by grace. By a fully encompassing grace. As a young man saved by Jesus, I choose to live my life like Jesus. I choose to give up my selfish wants and desires and choose to moderate my spirit. I am not perfect, I will always endeavor to choose Christ and pureness over, self love. I will choose to let my First Love influence my Marriage.

"God will look to every soul like its first love because He is its first love."

CS Lewis